Corporate Social Responsibility
At Sveltia, we are committed to the commercialization of international quality products, offering excellent customer service with our after-sales department, and we are determined to cause a positive social impact in the community.

Social commitments
Through different links with industries and non-governmental organizations, such as technical educational institutions, we team up to raise funds that reach different social sectors and deliver electronic material for the development of education; we integrate students for professional practices in secondary school and interns in the upper level, among others.

Financial commitments
We work every day to achieve pay equity; we train employees to stay updated in competencies and skills of the XXI century.

Commitments to minorities
We guarantee diversity in the workforce respecting race, sexual orientation and gender in all our areas. In our company, women represent more than 30% of our staff and 50% of our middle managers; they play decision-making and responsibility roles.

Environmental commitments
We play our part in the adoption of recycling programs taking responsibility for the waste we generate as an industry; we develop renewable energy with solar panels in the industrial plant and improve our supply chains.